Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Now it is 100,000 decimal places - a claimed world record

A Japanese mental health counselor who recited pi to 83,431 digits, setting a world record - now it is reported that he has yet to apply to the Guinness World Record - in July 2005 has broken his own record by reciting just 100,000 digits, reports Yahoo! News Man recites pi to 100,000 places (October 4, 2006).

The Guinness World Record or not, this is a feat accomplished by a man who is about to reach 60, age normally believed for retirement in Japan. As he says that "What I am aiming at is not just memorizing figures, I am thrilled by seeking a story in pi", Mr Haraguchi has an advantage no one but Japanese has, the flexible language that makes it possible to convert each figure to form a series of words or phrases as if he was a storyteller. It is made possible by the phonetic characteristics of Japanese.

Intrigued? It will not be too late to start learnig Japanese - ichi, ni, san, ...


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